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100mg CBD Lotion Upgrade - $12 (CBD FAQ)
Stellar Upgrade - $23
15 Minutes Head/Hand/Foot - $18
15 Minutes Cupping - $24
15 Minutes Stretching - $18
Private Yoga Therapy (LEARN MORE)
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Massage Club Available
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Meant to relax your muscles and destress you without using the more painful targeted deep techniques. If you ask for a relaxation massage, I will not target sore muscles unless you ask me to. Let me know if you want a light (I do not want it to hurt at all if possible) or firm (No poking but my muscles hurt and need worked) massage. Swedish Massage is a specific style of massage that uses smooth strokes, kneading, percussion, friction, and vibration.
Massage Club Available
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We collectively call this Deep Tissue as it is all integrated into the same massage. Deep tissue refers to techniques that probe deep into the tissue and/or that target specific problems in order to break up adhesions and relax and lengthen a muscle. Trigger Point Therapy is used when a muscle impinges on a nerve and results in feelings such as pain, burning, tingling, or numbness in a remote area which is served by that nerve. Neuromuscular Therapy is a broad term that encompasses many techniques, one of which is used for Trigger Point Therapy. With this technique, static pressure is applied to the trigger point to relax the trigger and relieve the pressure. Really sore and tight muscles may be able to take only light pressure, but we would apply it to the pain tolerance level you choose to maximize the benefit of the massage within your selected pain tolerance. Our therapists may also use techniques such as myofacial release (another neuromuscular technique), stretching, cupping, gua sha (scraping), or heat packs.
Massage Club Available
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We are the only ones that I know of that offer this as a menu item. The reason it's so hard to get a good really DEEP deep tissue massage is because some therapists just can't go that deep and also the pressure required puts a lot of strain on a therapist's joints. All that pressure is also being pushed INTO our joints, causing inflammation and damaging the bursa that pads the joints and eventually leads to arthritis. We charge $10 more per half hour because we have to rest longer between massages so we can recover and give the next client our best effort and we also need that extra time to proactively ice, stretch, and rub the overworked muscles and joints.
So why are we willing to do this? Because we enjoy the challenge these massages offer and we want to give you the massage you need. I'm not trying to discourage you from getting them, but I want you to understand why we are charging more. I've told my therapists that if you don't sign up for it, don't hurt themselves doing it. They need to stop wearing themselves out.
I previously said this was needed by people with thick dense musculature, and this is true, but we also have quite a few clients who are chronically tight and want and need this kind of pressure. If you sign up for DEEP deep tissue the extra recovery time will automatically be scheduled and you will be charged the fee for DEEP massage even if you end up not wanting that kind of pressure. If you are unsure, schedule a regular deep tissue massage. We don't call it a DEEP massage if we don't sustain that pressure for long and you will be able to judge if you want more of that kind of pressure the next time. Our pressure from deep to deepest is Chris (restrained), Becca/Kim/Bobbie, Robert, Jenae, Chris (unrestrained).
Massage Club Available
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120 Minutes - $315
The links will take you to the home of the booking site. Please select "Me + 1 Guest", then "Massage Therapy", then your Couples Massage
A couples massage is a shared experience where you and your partner can enjoy the benefits of massage therapy together in the same room. This can be a great way to bond, relax, and reconnect, whether you're celebrating a special occasion or just want to enjoy a peaceful moment together. Each person can choose their preferred massage style. We will tailor the experience to suit both of your needs, ensuring you leave feeling more connected, relaxed, and in tune with one another.
Massage Club Available
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15 Minute Add-On - $24
Cupping uses vacuum pressure to bring local blood supply to the muscles and release stagnant lymph & waste in interstitial spaces to be carried away via the lymphatic system (inflammation). Cupping releases restrictions in fascia, loosening tight muscles and scar tissue. Its sedating effect on the Nervous System makes it effective for Fibromyalgia as well as Insomnia and Anxiety. Please be aware that Cupping can cause bruising.
Massage Club Available
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Coming in for an anxiety massage can make all the difference. In addition to releasing tension, it increases your body's levels of oxytocin and serotonin, which results in lowered stress and lowers your blood pressure and elevates your mood.
Massage is much more than a relaxation massage. Hot and cold therapy is applied, acupressure is applied to certain points, and there are different strokes, aromatherapy and music. Having severe anxiety myself, I've studied it and learned how to help others who suffer from it. It can also serve as an assisted meditation session. It can be during a current anxiety attack episode, a day after, or just general help.
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Massage Club Available
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Prenatal massage is tailored to the needs of the expectant Mother and is safe at any time during pregnancy, though after 13 weeks the mom to be will not be allowed to lie on her stomach. We use pillows to position and support her in a sideline position to ensure that both the Mother and baby are as comfortable as possible. Prenatal massage differs in that some parts of the body are avoided and special attention is paid to pregnancy related issues. While we will still work tight muscles, we will go no firmer than a hurts so good on our pain scale. Prenatal massage can reduce stress and anxiety, take away aches that are in the joints and muscles, and lessen swelling in the arms and legs. If you have edema (excessive swelling), I suggest you book with Matt, as he can incorporate a little lymphatic drainage into your service.
Miscarriage is more common during the first trimester of pregnancy. While massage has not been determined to increase this risk during a normal, healthy pregnancy, your doctor should be consulted prior to receiving massage, especially in the first trimester. Following are some, but not all conditions that require your doctor's permission prior to receiving a pregnancy massage.
**High Risk Pregnancy
**Previous pre-term labor
**Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
**Severe Swelling
**Sudden severe headache
**Recently gave birth
Massage Club Available
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Sports Massage is a special form of massage and is typically used before, during, and after athletic events. The purpose of the massage is to prepare the athlete for peak performance, to drain away fatigue, to reduce muscle tension, and to promote flexibility and to prevent injury. Our therapists perform basic sports massage. They are not certified to work on sports injuries.
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30 Minutes - $390/6* then $65 each after pkg (recommended for post-surgical)
45 Minutes - $528/6* then $88 each after pkg(recommended for post-surgical)
60 Minutes - $660/6* then $110 each after pkg(recommended for Lymphadema)
*Packaged services must be used within 60 days of purchase.
Lymphatic Drainage is not massage. It is a manual technique that uses gentle pressure on the skin to encourage excess lumph (fluid and waste products), to drain into the lymph nodes. A series of these sessions are usually recommended by your doctor after surgery or, if you have excess edema, such as with pregnancy.
If you are pregnant and have swelling in your legs, I suggest you book your prenatal massage with Matt, who can incorporate some lymphatic drainage into your prenatal massage.
Massage Club Available
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15 Minute Add-On - $18
Your therapist will work the muscles of your jaw and neck and may also work inside your mouth. It is offered as a 15 minute add-on, and as a 30 minute service. The 30 minute session includes instruction on how you can do it yourself.
Massage Club Available
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15 Minute Add-On - $18
Reiki is a natural and safe method of spiritual healing from which everyone can benefit. It has proven effective in helping many illnesses and maladies and always has a beneficial effect. Reiki works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and encourage recovery; There is increasing research evidence documenting the effects of Reiki (such as lowered heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones, as well as increased immune strength). Additionally, Reiki can be used to relax and strengthen wellbeing; reduce pain, anxiety, and fatigue; help manage symptoms; reduce side effects of medications; and support recovery after injuries or surgery. Reiki heals by sending energy flowing through channels or meridians in your body and charging the affected areas with positive energy. The process causes negative energy to break apart and fall away. This is how Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing energy to flow in a healthy and natural way.
During a Reiki session my hands are still for most of the treatment, moving only to change positions. I don't control Reiki energy; I merely rest my hands lightly on the body (or just above the body if needed). Reiki energy seems to have an intelligence of its own. It flows where it is needed and creates the healing conditions necessary for your individual needs. Reiki energy in my hands flows in response to what your body requires at that moment. In this way, each Reiki treatment is automatically customized your immediate needs.
Massage Club Available
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15 Minute Add-On - $18
Reflexology is a therapy based on the principle that there are areas of innervation in the feet, hands and ears that correspond to specific muscle groups and organs of the body. The application of pressure on particular areas of the feet, hands or ears promotes benefits such as the relaxation of tension, improvement of circulation, and improvement in function in the related area in the body.
The University of Minnesota has a web page citing research studies as to the benefits of Reflexology. Those studies indicated that Reflexology demonstrated an increase in blood flow to kidneys and to the intestines; that positive changes were noted in kidney functioning with kidney dialysis patients; they saw that blood pressure was decreased, and anxiety was lowered; Twenty-seven studies demonstrated a positive outcome for reduction in pain, e.g., AIDS, chest pain, peripheral neuropathy of diabetes mellitus, kidney stones, and osteoarthritis; others say that it may be beneficial for type 2 diabetes, lowering blood pressure, incontinence, tingling in MS, reduction in anxiety and pain during surgical procedures, and reduction in anxiety and depression in postmenopausal women. Studies with Cancer patients showed reduction of pain, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, and improved quality of life with reflexology. Studies showed reduction in weaning time from mechanical ventilation in patients undergoing open-heart surgery; showed that pressure sensors in the feet are linked to the same part of the brain as the baroreceptor reflex; regarding type 2 diabetes they concluded that the reflexology group showed more improvements in pain reduction, glycemic control, nerve conductivity, and thermal and vibration sensitivities than those of control subjects with statistical significance; regarding migraine/tension headache results showed that foot reflexology was at least as effective as drug therapy (Flunarizin); in infants, they note a statistically significant difference in pain scores of infants suffering from acute pain between the reflexology and control groups; the infants in the reflexology group also had lower heart rates, higher oxygen saturation, and shorter crying periods than the infants in the control group; in children 1-12 they report that the reflexology and massage group had the greatest increase in the number of bowel movements and the greatest reduction in constipation symptom scores; regarding post operative recovery, studies show statistically significant reduction of use of medication and pain levels over the control group, regarding sinusitis, studies showed that reflexology was as effective as nasal irrigation.
Using thermographic pictures of the soles of the feet before and after reflex therapy, along with similar pictures of the spinal column, Dr. Piquemal was able to show a change in the thermal pattern on the sole of the feet "that was reflected on the skin of the back for each of the five selected [cutaneous] zones" (2005). The importance of this research is that it ties reflexology work on the feet to blood flow of inner organs (lung, liver, stomach, pancreas, and small intestine), either through vasoconstriction or vasodilation via the autonomic nervous system. It appears that reflexology may be able to play a role in regulating blood flow disturbance, at least to these organs.
Massage Club Available
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A gentle, very light massage. This is ideal for elderly or ill clients who desire comforting touch and the relaxation and increased circulation it brings.
Massage Club Available
Add-On Only
No Extra Time - $23
Enhance your massage with Stellar Massage's signature integration of hot towels and hot stones into your massage.
Weekly and Monthly Yoga Club Available
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The Ashtanga Yoga format was passed on by Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). Many versions and modifications of this practice has been given but it is my duty to share with you what, in my opinion, is the most authentic form for your health and wellbeing.
Yoga Is a systematic step by step practice which builds immense strength of muscles, nerves and bones while detoxifying the body.
Weekly and Monthly Yoga Club Available
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Hatha Yoga has a few definitions; one being “To Force”. This means to attain a state of Yoga(union) through force or extreme effort. Hatha yoga also has another meaning Ha-Sun and Tha-moon. The Ha-Sun is more of the activeness of movement in and out of postures. The Tha-Moon is more about receptiveness you are feeling in and out of postures. In Hatha yoga you have to mix the two to achieve the results of purification and strength. This is a more slow and deep approach to health benefits.
Weekly and Monthly Yoga Club Available
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Yoga postures and isolated stretching customized to your goals and needs.
Serving the Birmingham, Alabama Metro Area
Mobile Massage in your office
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$90 Per Hour + $25 Transportation and Setup Per Therapist
Minimum of 3 Hours per Therapist | Time includes a 5 minute break for the therapist each hour.
Chair Massage is one of the best ways for employers to show appreciation for their employees and boost morale and productivity. Offering Chair Massage increases satisfaction with the employer, increases loyalty, and leads to a happier work environment. Not only does chair massage lower stress, it addresses muscle tension that distracts employees and reduces productivity. This tension can even lead to injury and time lost from work. You can make chair massage a regular event, part of an employee appreciation day, a perk for those celebrating their anniversary with the company or their birthday month, or part of an office party. Whatever the reason, your employees are sure to be excited!
Chair massage is not performed at the employee's desk, it is performed on a special chair we provide. We will need a small empty office or at least 30 square feet of clear space. A schedule must be prepared ahead of time to ensure that employees know when they are to receive their massage so we can get every one in and leave on time. A 5 minute break each hour must be included in the schedule. Parking must be available on site and must be free or added to the fee.
You are reserving a specific period of time overall, not per person. If you are not ready for us to set up at the appointed time, or your employees are not ready at their appointed times, their massage time may need to be shortened, but the fee will not be reduced.