Hello, my name is Rob
I've been practicing yoga intensively over 10 years and have been certified in yoga since 2015 (Birmingham Yoga). I've experienced many physical injuries over the years and have used yoga (asanas) to correct them. Though I understand that everyone's body is different, I'm confident that a systematic practice with patience and willingness will assist individuals in feeling better and being better.
I'm offering private "Yoga Training" (Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga) as well as "Strength & Flexibility" (body weight yoga practices). They are designed for each individual and focus on your personal requested needs.
Even though I have my own goals for our sessions, my ultimate goal is to share information that turns into knowledge from practice and understanding.
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga “Chikitsa” Yoga Means “The yoga therapy of the 8 Limb Path. The 8 limbs in Sanskrit are: Yama- Disciplines, Niyama – Observances, Asana – Postures, Pranayama – Breathing Techniques, Pratyahara – Withdrawal of the Senses, Dharana – Focused Concentration, Dhyana – Absorption in one’s
Meditation, Samadhi – Bliss
The Ashtanga Yoga format was passed on by Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). Many versions and modifications of this practice has been given but it is my duty to share with you what, in my opinion, is the most authentic form for your health and wellbeing.
Ashtanga Yoga Is a systematic step by step practice which builds immense strength of muscles, nerves and bones while detoxifying the body.
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga has a few definitions one being “To Force”. This means to attain a state of Yoga(union) through force or extreme effort. Hatha yoga also has another meaning Ha-Sun and Tha-moon. The Ha-Sun is more of the activeness of movement in and out of postures. The Tha-Moon is more about receptiveness you are feeling in and out of postures. In Hatha yoga you have to mix the two to achieve the results of purification and strength. This is a more slow and deep approach to health benefits
Strength and Flexibility
Yoga postures and isolated stretching customized to your goals and needs.
Benefits of Yoga