Matt Romano, LMT: Mon 8-2, Sun 12-7

April Kirk, LMT: Mon 8-2, Sun 12-7

Becca Rose Overstreet, LMT:: Mon, Wed, Fri 2-8

Robert Ginwrite, LMT: Wed 12:30-7, Thurs 10-8, Fri 1-7, Sat 10-8

Bobbie Banks, LMT: Tues 9-1:30, Thurs 9-1:30


Jenae Jeffers, LMT #3048, Birmingham School of Massage 2010


Stellar Massage was established in June of 2010 by Jenae Jeffers. As we grew, we've moved into larger facilities and we have been located in our current location since August 2019. The office is decorated in a relaxing home-like décor, but is not spa-like. We offer your basic relaxation, deep tissue, neuromuscular, sports, prenatal, and hot stone massages as well as Yoga. Depending on or our current staff, we may offer other modalities as well. Heat packs are used when indicated and it does not interfere with the massage at no extra charge as well. We also do off-site chair massage.

Please read about each of our therapists to determine which will most suit you. Every therapist at Stellar Massage is capable of giving a good deep tissue massage, but each has their indivicual styles and some have deeper pressure than others. You can also look under the "Who should I choose" link for a summary by category to save you time.

My philosophy on Customer Service and Working for Stellar Massage
Matt Romano, LMT, License #4608
Birminham School of Massage, 2016
April Kirk, LMT, License #3426
Virginia College, 2011
Becca Rose Overstreet, LMT, License #3122
Birmingham School of Massage, 2010
I was drawn to massage from an early age, but after being diagnosed with scoliosis at the age of 13, I began searching for solutions and methods to help with the chronic pain it caused. That's when I discovered the power of massage. Throughout my life I sought out new techniques and practiced on whomever I could. After graduating from high school in Columbus, Georgia, I moved to Birmingham where I graduated from the Birmingham School of Massage in 2010 - in the same class as our founder, Jenae Jeffers.

Over the course of my career as a licensed massage therapist, I have obtained certifications in Neuromuscular Therapy, Deep Tissue, Reiki, and Hot Stone. In addition to those, I've received training in Active Isolated Stretching, Swedish, Prenatal and Reflexology. All of these have opened doors and afforded me opportunities, like teaching seminars to medical professionals and working backstage at many events where I have met or massaged big names like Scottie Pippin, Charlie Daniels, Rick Medlock, Greg Allman, OAR, and many others.

While I love the relaxing, calming effects that massage has on our bodies, I excel in Deep Tissue and Neuromuscular Therapies. Chronic pain is, after all, my inspiration. The most rewarding thing about my work is when I can truly help someone gain a better quality of life and lighten their burdens. During every massage, I incorporate different techniques (drawing from my metaphorical "toolbox") to suit the needs of the client and strive to provide relief from chronic pain and injury while also promoting relaxation and healing.

I am more grounded in western rather than eastern medicine - in that I believe that massage and bodywork should always incorporate a working knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. However, during my career and education, eastern medicine has surprised me in its effectiveness and the results it can produce. This is particularly true of Reflexology and Reiki. I have found that Reiki, a form of energy work, can aid in relaxation and healing by helping improve the flow of energy throughout the body. Reflexology can also help to relieve pain, tension, speed recovery times and virtually eliminate symptoms and side-effects. My personal experiences with Reiki and Reflexology include accelerated healing times, deeper sleep, emotional comfort, and relief from nausea and headaches. Because of my own experiences, I truly believe that both Reiki and Reflexology will make excellent additions to your massage and bodywork routine.
Robert Ginwright, LMT, License #5596
Birmingham School of Massage, 2017
Bobbie Banks, LMT, License #1466
Red Mountain Institute of the Healing Arts, 2001
Jenae Jeffers, LMT, License #3048
Birmingham School of Massage, 2010

My Massage History
My interest in massage therapy began in 1991 after I was struck by a semi on the interstate and I received massage therapy twice a week as part of my treatment. After my recovery, I began to practice what I learned on friends and family. I find giving massage to be very relaxing, and much better than squeezing a stress ball. In 2009 I was massaging a massage therapist friend of mine who was going through med school, and she said "You're better than the girl I trade with, why don't you go to school and get licensed so that you can get paid for this?" It was a no-brainer moment. All I could think was "why not?" It hadn't occurred to me to do something that wasn't administrative.

I graduated from the Birmingham School of Massage in March 2010. I became Nationally Certified and received my license in June 2010 and immediately started Stellar Massage. I am certified in Massage Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, and Hot Stone Therapy. I have received continuing education in Oncology Massage, Myofacial Release, Thai Yoga Massage, Muscle Energy Technique, Cupping, Facial Massage, and Aromatherapy. I've also received training in Stretching and Craniosacral Therapy but they don't really suit me and I rarely use them.

My Massage Philosophy
I am securely grounded in the western philosophy regarding massage, incorporating knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology to address stress and soft tissue pain. This means that I base my style on the physical, not metaphysical. While I know about chi and meridians and recognize that as beings made up of atoms we probably all do have an electrical field, I am not attuned to it.

My Massage Style
I spent almost 20 years doing massage by touch, feeling the tension and knots and manipulating the muscle. I still prefer to directly manipulate the muscle rather than stretch it and tend to be firm in my massages. That being said, if you tell me that you want a light relaxation massage and don't want it to hurt, I can do that too (just make sure you tell me so I can switch mentally from "fix it" to "pamper").

When I do deep tissue I have light, medium, deep and DEEP (and anywhere between if you ask me to go lighter or deeper). Most of my targeted work is medium to deep, but if your previous therapist didn't go deep enough, you may want to give me a try because if you indicate you want me to go deep, I can go very deep. I feel that you paid for a massage, and if during the interview you said that you have sore areas that need particular attention, then I'm not doing my job if I don't work it as well as I can within your pain tolerance. When I speak of your pain tolerance, I don't want to see how much pain you can take, I mean a 6-8 on my pain scale.

On Call Therapists
I (Jenae) am usually the on-call therapist, but we occassionally work with other therapists who want to pick up some extra massage hours by helping us when one of our therapists takes time off, is sick, or has an emergency. Please be assured that I am well aware that my reputation is on the line every time a massage is given and every therapist is screened and has proven they can give a really good deep tissue massage. I do not put a bio on this page for these therapists, but while they are actively available, you can see their bio on our on-line booking site.
Who should I choose?
The answer to this is more a question of style preference than who is better because I will not hire anyone that doesn't give me a good, responsive deep tissue massage. If I wouldn't pay $90 for it, I don't expect you to, and I like to get my moneys worth. I have specifically hired people who have a preference for therapeutic work because that is what I built my reputation on and I want to maintain that reputation. If you like relaxation massages, I'm certain we have a therapist that will suit you since we can all do those and our styles vary on that as well.

Our personal massage styles are a mixture of what we learned in school, our continuing education, what we personally like in a massage, moves we create or pick up from other therapists, and feedback from our clients. One client may think one therapist is "better" than the other, while another client will think the opposite, depending on personal preferences. One way to choose is to try each therapist and just pick the one who suits you best; you don't have to stick with the first therapist you try. Every therapist at Stellar Massage is confident in his/her ability as a massage therapist. Each of us have our dedicated clients who don't want to go to anyone else, so our egos are safe. We recognize that no matter how good we are, some people will like our style and others won't or will simply prefer another. Please don't think any of us will feel insulted or hurt if you choose to try (and stay with) another of our therapists.

Pressure: All therapists at Stellar Massage can adjust their pressure from light to very firm/deep depending on your stated preferences and input during the massage. We rely on your feedback during the massage to adjust our pressure to your needs because while we can feel the knots and tension, everyone responds in their own way and we can't determine your pain without your input. All of us can give good deep tissue massage, but Becca, Robert and Matt offer DEEP deep tissue, which is a separate service from regular relaxation/deep tissue.

If you have thick, dense musculature and want a DEEP deep tissue massage, I have made a different service category for it so we can schedule extra time after for your therapist to recover. I am not talking about well developed/toned muscles (someone who works out at the gym every day), I'm talking about overdeveloped (think Football player, stone mason, etc ...). I'd like to say this is the person who feels like no one ever goes deep enough, but unfortunately that is usually a reflection on the quality of the massages previously received not the amount of pressure you need. Please don't be shy about asking us to lighten our pressure just because you asked for a DEEP massage.

Anxiety Massage: Becca and Matt offer this service. Having anxiety issues themselves, they use their experience and intuition to design their service to reduce your anxiety.

Stretching: Matt, Bobbie, and Robert are most likely to incorporate stretching into their massages.

Sports Massage: Becca does not offer this service.

Hot Stone: While we all do the Stellar Upgrade, which incorporates hot stones and hot towels into the massage, only Matt and April do full Hot Stone Massage.

Reflexology: Becca and Robert are the only ones to offer Reflexology.

Reiki: Becca is the only one to offer Reiki.

TMJ: Jenae and Robert do not do TMJ work inside the mouth so do not offer this as a seperate service.

Cupping: Matt is the only one to offer cupping as a seperate service. Short and sweet, cupping is a myofacial technique using cups to create a vacuum and release adhesions. Cupping is likely to leave purple bruise like marks.

Lymphatic Drainage: Matt is the only ones that perform this service.